Launch a new Culture Survey within your Principles Account by following these four steps:
- Create an Administration Group
- Add users to the group
- Assign product access
- Create and launch the Culture Survey
Step One: Create a Group
- Navigate to the Administration section of the application and select the ‘Groups’ tab.
- Select the ‘Create a Group’ button.
- Create a name for your group e.g., Executive Leadership Team.
- Save the group.
Step Two: Add Users to the Group
If the users do not exist in the account:
- While within the group, select the ‘add users’ button at the bottom left of the group pop-out.
- This will open a window that allows you to either add each person individually or in bulk.
- If using the bulk add functionality, you will need to select ‘add’ first to load the users in.
- If using the bulk add functionality, you will need to select ‘add’ first to load the users in.
- Once you enter the users you wish to invite, select the ‘add users’ button to invite them. Doing so will send them an invitation to complete their account set up, which is optional to complete prior to a culture survey being launched.
Please note: When adding users to the tool (if SSO isn't configured for your account), users will receive an invitation email prompting them to set up their Principles account. They do not need to do this before you launch a survey to them; this is an optional step at this time. However, you may want to add users and ask them to set up their account if you would like to grant them an elevated level of access (i.e., Administrator, User Administrator or Culture Survey Manager).
If the users exist in the account already:
- Find users by either searching for their name using the search bar and/or by using the filters available. To add users to a group, you can either:
- Add people in bulk by selecting the checkboxes next to each person’s name and selecting ’Add [X] Members.’
- Add people individually by selecting the plus ‘+’ sign on the right-hand side of the page in-line with that person’s name.
- To successfully create a group and add users, you must select the save button. Simply selecting the ‘Add Members’ button or the ‘+’ sign will not save a group or any edits made, and any unsaved changes will be lost.
- After saving a group and the filters and/or search bar is cleared, you will see all users you have added listed under the ‘Group Members’ section.
Step Three: Grant Product Access
Access to the Culture Survey is granted by assigning access to an existing and/or newly created group by following the steps below:
- Navigate to the Administration section of the application and select the ‘Groups’ tab.
- Find the group and associated group members that you would like to grant product access to.
- Grant or manage product access by selecting the dropdown under the Culture Survey column:
- Culture Survey Participant: Access to the Culture Survey product. This simply allows a user to be added and/or invited to a culture survey that is subsequently created.
- Culture Survey Manager: Access to administer a culture survey, including launching a survey, viewing completion statistics, and managing access to the report results. Culture Survey Managers will also have access to the report results by default.
Step Four: Create a Culture Survey
Please note: Only begin this step when you are ready to launch a survey as we currently do not support draft surveys, so once you click ‘Create Survey’ the survey will be ‘live’ and accessible, even if you choose to delay invitations.
Navigate to the ‘Culture’ tab in the left hand navigation bar of the application, click ‘Manage Surveys’, and select ‘Launch a new survey.’
- Survey Type: There are two types of surveys available, Organization and Team.
- Select the type of survey that aligns with the group's focus for assessing culture. For example, if the goal is to evaluate the culture of the entire organization, choose the Organization Survey. However, if the focus is on the culture of a specific team, such as the Marketing team, select the Team Survey.
- Please note: There can only be one Organizational Survey live, or in progress, at the same time. While there can be more than one Team Survey live at the same time, the Group selected must be different i.e., a tenant cannot have more than one Team Survey live at the same time for the same Group.
- Survey Name: You can leave the survey name as is, or you can create a custom name for it.
- For Organizational Surveys, please keep in mind that this will be the survey name populated in the invitation and reminder emails.
- For Team Surveys, you can edit the name that is pulled into the invitation and reminder emails on the right hand side after selecting the group of participants.
- Support Contact Email: Provide the email address users can contact with questions about the survey, such as its purpose, how the results will be used, and other related inquiries.
- Survey Deadline: Set the date and time that the survey should close. This can be edited later at any time before the deadline when the survey is ‘live’. Once a survey is closed you cannot reopen it.
- Survey Reminders: Add the dates and times you would like reminders to be sent to any participants that have not completed the survey yet.
- Specify the dates and times for reminder emails that will prompt participants to complete the survey by selecting ‘add reminder.’
- Similar to the survey deadline, you can add or delete reminders at any time after the survey is launched.
- Note: There is a current limitation where only one reminder email can be sent per day.
- See example of the reminder email below:
- Participants: Select the previously created administration group of survey participants. Once a group is selected and the survey is launched, any modifications to the group will not affect the participants of the survey. You will not be able to add participants once the survey has been launched.
- Create Survey: Before selecting this, please ensure that all of the details are finalized. Once you select ‘Create Survey,’ it will be considered 'in progress,' and users can access and complete the survey, even if you have chosen to send invitations later. As such, you should only select ‘Create Survey’ when you are ready for the survey to be live and accessible.
- You can either launch the survey and send the invitations right away by selecting the ‘send’ button, or you can opt to send the invitation late by selecting ‘not now’.
- If you have chosen to send survey invitations later, you can send those invitations at any time by following these steps:
- Navigate to the ‘Culture’ tab and select ‘Manage Surveys.’
- Find and select your ‘In Progress’ survey.
- Click on the ‘Settings’ tab and select ‘Send Invitations’ to send the Culture Survey invitation to all selected participants. See screenshots of this flow below:
- If you have chosen to send survey invitations later, you can send those invitations at any time by following these steps:
See invitation email below: