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Culture Survey Reports Guide

Culture Survey Report Limitations

  • Right now, the system default is to hide reports that have fewer than 5 respondents (for confidentiality purposes). 
  • Reports typically generate approximately 30 minutes after the survey closes.

Granting Access to Reports

While Culture Survey Managers, Administrators and User Administrators automatically get access to all Culture Survey reports, you can also grant access to Culture Survey reports for individuals that do not have those roles. 

To do so, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Culture’ section of the tool 
  2. Select the Manage Surveys tab and select the appropriate survey
  3. Once in the survey, select the ‘Report Access’ tab
  4. Here you can add individuals to have full access of the report by selecting ‘edit’ in line
  5. Find users by either searching for their name using the search bar and/or by using the filters available. To add users to a group, you can either:
    1. Add people in bulk by selecting the checkboxes next to each person’s name and selecting ’Add [X Number of] Members.’ 
    2. Add people individually by selecting the plus ‘+’ sign on the right-hand side of the page in-line with that person’s name. 
  6. To successfully grant individuals Culture Survey report access, you must select the save button. Simply selecting the ‘Add Members’ button or the ‘+’ sign will not save any edits made, and any unsaved changes will be lost. 
  7. Once you save your edits, you will be able to access all the individuals who have report access.

Accessing Culture Survey Reports

Once generated, anyone who has access to the report can do so by following the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Culture’ section of the tool
  2. Select the ‘Reports’ tab
  3. Find the report for the Survey you would like to view and selecting the report, which will open the report in a new tab

You are able to save the report as a PDF by selecting the printer icon at the top right of the page and saving the destination as a PDF. 

Culture Survey Report FAQs

When will the results be ready?

Once the report is generated, as long as there were 5 or more respondents, the report will show in the reports tab within the Culture section within approximately 30 minutes of closing. 

How will I get them? 

You will need to navigate to the Reports tab within the Culture section and select the report related to the Culture Survey that closed. 

Who can access the results? 

Culture Survey Managers, Administrators and User Administrators automatically get access to all Culture Survey reports. You can also grant access to individuals within the Reports tab. 

How can I share the results? 

You can either grant report access to additional individuals within the Reports tab, or you can download the report and save it as a PDF and send it via email.

Is there a ‘consistency’ score for the results? 

We've updated our scoring logic due to ongoing work and analysis our psychometricians are doing. As such, the consistency of experience section has been removed for newer surveys.