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  2. Dot Collector
  3. Getting Started with Dot Collector

Principles Dot Collector Tools Onboarding Guide

We recommend that Admins/Champions use the below materials for any new users to give them context behind Principles, what to expect in the first few weeks of using the tools, and helpful resources to learn more.
Below is a template for the Onboarding flow, and we recommend that you make any edits to the content to best align the tone to your culture and goals for using the Principles Tools.

PrinciplesUs Kick-off

First, you will need to add users to the platform. While the users will get an automated email from the platform once an Admin initiates their invite, we recommend that Admins/Champions send out a note to their group to give them context the invitation that they will receive. You can find a template for this here

We recommend that you make any edits to the content to best align the tone to your culture and goals for using PrinciplesUs.

If you are not utilizing the Assessment, and only using Dot Collector, within your organization, you are able to tailor the email accordingly.

Company specific material

Optionally, you can provide a personalize video from your company to convey the reason behind implementing Principles Tools and why it is valuable to the company culture and mission. 

Dot Collector Onboarding

Welcome to Dot Collector!

A Dot is an observation - made by a person about themselves or from one person to another.  Dot Collector helps you advance self- and team-discovery with 360 real-time feedback aka Dots. With Dots, each team member can discover their tendencies, talents, and opportunities for growth, pointing the way toward maximizing their potential. Learn more about how we Collect & Connect the Dots by watching this 5-minute demo video of our tools.

In the weeks to follow...

... your assessment and dots information will be aggregated and summarized for insights in your personal dashboard. 

The goal is to learn and to explore a new set of behaviors and ways of engaging with one another to help you be more effective. You can expect to develop a richer understanding of yourself and others - your individual tendencies and dynamics as a team.

Through real experiences, you will also begin to build the habit of exchanging real-time feedback (~15 dots/week/person) and develop increased comfort sharing your ideas and perspectives openly. At the end, you’ll be able to reflect how getting regular feedback can help inform your personal and professional growth.

Use the below weekly themes to focus your dotting behavior in the first few weeks of your onboarding to the tool:

  1. Empowerment - celebrating wins in yourself and others by being specific with positive feedback. Be on the lookout in the next few days for moments where someone on your team has a positive impact and helps others through their practice of your core values and behaviors. Acknowledge a contribution to a peer with dots and share gratitude.

  2. In the spirit of reflecting and learning from experiences and making forward progress, the focus for the next week is Growth Mindset. Everyone makes mistakes. The main difference is that people with a “growth mindset” learn from them and grow, while those with a “fixed mindset” don’t.
  3. Compassionate Directness - the practice of direct, continuous feedback that has at its foundation compassion, empathy and understanding.
  4. Upward Accountability - the practice of giving direct feedback to one’s manager and senior management more broadly.

The Power of Dotting 

  • Empowers collaboration and inclusivity:  The Dot Collector encourages diversity of thought to surface from all levels of the organization—giving everyone a chance to participate, not just those who typically have a speaking part. Helping people to see through each other’s eyes prevents them from being stuck in their own head and surfaces important disagreements. Giving everyone a voice allows the best ideas to win.
  • Builds trust and creates transparency: It can be challenging to build relationships with people in the workplace. It can be especially challenging in a hybrid or fully remote environment—communications can be misconstrued, lack of coworker socialization can leave employees feeling isolated, and team building can feel forced or difficult. Trust can be more easily cultivated with consistent, high-quality feedback, deepening the bonds between teammates.
  • Promotes high performing teams:  Nurturing a growth mindset culture where employees are encouraged and rewarded for giving each other honest and direct feedback helps uncover strengths and opportunities for improvement. Sharing these dots allows for real-time course correction and continuous people development.

Additional Resources