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Cheat Sheet: Strengths and Growth Areas by Trait

As a resource to our facilitators, our Assessment experts built this packet of Trait Patterns (Beta) that introduce opposing descriptors for each of the 17 Traits. Because each trait lies on a continuum, our users have found it helpful to have descriptors for both ends of the trait spectrum instead of using the language of "low" and "high" results. As an example, for our Creativity scale we use the descriptor “Creative” for those with a high preference toward creativity and “Traditional” for those with a lower preference. Similarly, with our Deliberative scale, we can begin to think of those with a high preference as “Deliberative” and those with a low preference as more “Intuitive” (though note that our scales are constructed unidirectionally; meaning, on the Creative scale we're really only measuring one’s preference toward Creativity and the use of “Traditional” in this case is simply meant to be descriptive. As such, you won’t see these descriptors in the PrinciplesUs tool).

The opposing descriptors are especially effective when using a strengths-based approach to talking about the trait scales. This approach helps emphasize that wherever you are on the scale there are strengths and growth areas to consider. To get them in the mindset, ask your team to do some thinking around what strengths someone might have if they score “very low” on a trait. During that discussion, refer to the strengths and growth area quadrant sheets from this Trait Patterns packet as needed.


You can find our Trait Patterns PDF here!